Marketing Trend of 2016

[one_full last= »yes » spacing= »yes » center_content= »no » hide_on_mobile= »no » background_color= » » background_image= » » background_repeat= »no-repeat » background_position= »left top » hover_type= »none » link= » » border_position= »all » border_size= »0px » border_color= » » border_style= » » padding= » » margin_top= » » margin_bottom= » » animation_type= » » animation_direction= » » animation_speed= »0.1″ animation_offset= » » class= » » id= » »][title size= »1″ content_align= »left » style_type= »default » sep_color= » » margin_top= » » margin_bottom= » » class= » » id= » »]Our look at the best digital media marketing strategy of 2016, and  how to develop a successful strategy.[/title][fusion_text]WHAT’S NEXT? WHAT’S HOT?

These are the questions we usually ask ourselves to predict the next year’s top trends. In Marketing, we tend to ask these questions too. With the fast changing world of technology, marketers better keep up with innovators, not year by year, but month by month. We warned you, it’s fast.

These trends remain partially subjective, to the type of business you are running, and the digital marketing activities you use for it.

Dave Chaffey, web editor at Smartinsights made a research report in which he asks his page members all over the world Which digital marketing technique will give you the most uplift or incremental benefits? 1,500 participants took part in the survey and gave their opinion about it. Here are the results.


mmt trends


As defined by The content marketing institute online, it is « a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. »

Content Marketing is on the rise nowadays, with a 62% less cost than traditional marketing and 50% rate of businesses using it. An empowering  team, a solid plan and important knowledge of the market can be a great beginning to the development of a successful content marketing project.

The key word which drives our attention in the definition is « VALUABLE ». That is why we thought to give you the best strategy to make your content valuable.



The team is set, but who does what? The roles need to be divided into:

  • Content strategist
  • Graphic designer
  • Copywriter
  • Social Media strategist
  • Project Leader
  • SEO Strategist


All team members need to keep an open communication between each others, in order to circulate the information which empowers the ideas. In addition, tasks need to be managed and given by one person, who is the project leader so that everyone can be on the same page.


All team members particiapte to this part of the development strategy. It consists in finding the right message for the right audience you’re targeting, by continuously asking yourself: Does it reflect my brand’s aims, and maintain its good reputation?


Start it individually, by making a list of your most captivating findings. Important questions to ask yourself : What are the trending topics? The most searched ones? What would attract readers and are also easily sharable and understandable?

Then, brainstorm as a team, to strengthen the given ideas.


In this step, the chosen idea will need to become a detailed concept by extracting the best data from research to support your topic. Different content can be conceptualized: Written articles, video, graphics, free guides…


90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. Designers and writers should work together to give well designed and written pieces.


Everyone reviews the final product. Does it reflect an interesting concept as planned?
Most importantly, spell check as many times as you can.



Optimize your post by replying to comments to enlighten the engagement. Also encourage coworkers to share the content on social media networks. It broadens your visibility.


Take notes: What has been successful? and what hasn’t?
All roles have to keep track on the page activity of your online business.

Ecrit par : Sarah BEN HAFSIA


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